Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Meet Major

The newest member on the Stavinoha farm.  
Isn’t he handsome? I think so too. :)

So. Yes. I promise I thought this day would never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever come. But it has!! Oooooh yeah.
He’s a 16 year old Appendix gelding. For those of you who don’t know, an Appendix is a Thoroughbred-Quarter Horse cross. He’s got the sweetest temperament. Ever.  He’s very gentle with the kids and doesn’t spook at anything. Or hasn’t yet. So. Yep. He’s what they call “bombproof”. And he’s NOT LAZY!! Yay! Yeah lazy horses really bug me. Major is a retired patrol mount and people have also hunted off of him, ridden him on the road with 18-wheelers around, and he’s even been in parades right next to fire trucks!! So noise doesn’t bother him. Which is good because with 8 brothers and sisters, 3 goats, and 4 dogs all making noise at the same time, things can get, in a word, noisy. :) He is also very easy to catch. I can do it with one hand. And have!! Hehe. While talking on the phone. :)
Many thanks to dear Sarah for all her support and awesomeness, without which I would have given up on EVER getting a horse. Thanks SO much, mom and dad for allowing this to EVER happen! And thanks to Mrs. Simms for helping us find him!!!
Here are some more pics. :) (if you wanna see 'em bigger, just click on 'em. :)

I'm all smiles. :) See? :)
Well, gotta go feed Major.
Later, y'all!