Thursday, December 23, 2010

Today is for baking.

Enough said.

*puts on apron, blares music across the house, and prepares to be covered in several pounds of flour*
Bring it on! :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Peace, Hope, and Budweiser...

...says the message that was on Henri's arm bands today. Kinda...weird. Lol. :)

OH. MY. WORD. I had a blast! Plus, i've never actually gotten to hang out with JUST Henri in the eight years i've known her. So. We had fun. :)

Now, you may ask, WHY did we hang out today? Well. My little sister, Shekinah had her eighth birthday today! And boy. Did we party! Sugar cookies, cake, ice cream...just SUGAR in general... And LOTS of little girls. The sweetest little girls ever. :)


She also shares a birthday with one of my favourite people in the world, Mrs. Mayfield!


I hope y'all have the wonderfulest of birthdays. Followed by many many more. Y'all are the best. I love y'all!!!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

About to see Voyage of the Dawn Treader.......again! But THIS time, at the drive-in. The first time, last saturday, i saw it in 3D. ;) Booyah!!! :D

Monday, December 13, 2010

To describe me. In more detail. ;)

Can you do this without deleting any questions?
*deletes question* Just kidding. Yes. Of course I can.

What comes to mind when I say 69?
Um. Brown and Nose. :P
Well. 6 and 9 are the same. EXCEPT one's upside down! ;)

Is there a person that you can go to in sweats, hair a mess, and still feel comfy?

Have you ever thought about killing someone in detail?

What do you have pierced on you?
My ears. once.

Who was the last person you cried in front of?

Who knows your secrets?
Esther. and my brother James.

Do you straighten your hair?
Sometimes. When it can't decide for itself whether it wants to be straight or curly. or wavy. or...yeah. :P

Has a good friendship ended recently that you wish had not?
Yes. But I really hope it hasn't really ended. It just seems as though it has. And I am sad.

How old will you be in 4 years?

Would you kiss anyone on your top friends?
Uh. Depends. *mentally deletes question* :P

Was today a good day?
Its Monday. Are you kidding?
Could've been better. But I am hopeful for the end of today.

Will tomorrow be?
It might be. I will make it good.

Do you have a ceiling fan in your room, and if so, is there dust on that fan?
No. and No.

Are you happy right now?
*cheesy grin*

Have your brothers or sisters ever told you that you were adopted?
Nope. I'm the oldest. I tell them that.

Do you like being home alone?
Its never happened. But I think it might be nice.

Connection between you and the last person who text messaged you?
best friend. and horses. or something.

Is there anyone you trust who you shouldn't?
Well, if I knew I couldn't trust them, I wouldn't. But. Maybe.

Will you be in a relationship in the next month?
I might.

Do you have anything that belongs to a partner or an ex partner?
define partner.
My heart. But I have no "partner", or "ex partner". Yet.

When was the last time you cried really hard?
a month or two ago.

Do you argue with people often?
Not as often as you would think but more often than I should.

What would you say if a girl told you they were in love with your brother?
*laugh* It would depend on who it was. And which brother. Just sayin.

Where is your number one person on your friends list?
At home. Far far away.

Have you ever had a school picture turn out absolutely dreadful?
All my pictures turn out dreadful. :P
Well, given the fact that I'm homeschooled, I don't have school pictures. So there.

Does it bother you when you text somebody and they take forever to respond?
Depends on how important my text was. Or how lonely I am at the moment. But. Usually. No.

Who did you spend at least two hours with today?
Moi family.

Would you ever date your number one on myspace?
I HAVE no myspace!! Myspace is for losers. *arm pump*

Have you ever fallen asleep texting someone?

Do you act differently around the person you like?
No. Well, sometimes. But I don't like to.

Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
never dated.

Who's shoulder did you last cry on?
I've never cried on anyone's shoulder. Sadly.

Where did your last hug take place??
At church.
I need another one.

Have a best friend?

Are you tall?
Yes. Ish. 5'9"ish.

Ever received a really long apology?

Do you want kids?
Is this a dumb question? Do cows moo? Are chickens stupid?
In other words... HECK YEAH!

How are you?
fine! how are you?

Guilty about something?
Um. Yes. Ish. Don't tell.

Ever done something illegal?
Maybe. Why would I tell you that?

Do you have any friends whose parents won't let them hang out with you?

Have you had strong feelings for someone this year?

Have you ever fallen asleep while talking to someone?

Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing?
I love it when young men give me their coats when I'm cold. Its *so* sweet.

Think of the last person who said I love you to you, do you think they meant it?
Um. I sure hope so!

Who was the first person you talked to today?

What can't you wait for?
I wait for everything. What do I "WISH" I didn't have to wait for? Lots of stuff.

What woke you up this morning?
My mother. But she is not a "what". She is a "who".

Who was the last person you fell asleep on or rested on?
During church.

Who was the last person to call you?
My mother. Don't remember why.

Do you drink more water or juice?

Are you there for your friends?
I try.

How different are you from three years ago?
Um. That was a long time ago.
That was...2007. i was 15. Wow.
Very different. But in some ways, I haven't changed at all.

Do you hate being alone?
I hate being lonely.
Which is a very different feeling.

What's your favorite color?
Royal Blue. and Silver.

Do you get along with girls?
It would be very strange if I didn't.

What are you doing right now?
Listening to The Call by Celtic Woman. And James talking. And writing this blog post.

Do you think you're old?
Very. I'm practically ancient.

Are you afraid of the dark?
I love it. But I am afraid of some thing in it.

Do you like your life?
Yes. If I didn't. I would be stupid.

Ever talked to someone that was drunk?
not fun.
at all.

Do you have good vision?
Yep. I can SEEEEEEEEE you!!! ;)

Have you ever lost a friend?

Did you have a dream last night?
it was rather stupid.

What should you need to be doing?
Terrible grammar there.
I can't even figure out what that sentence even meant.

Can you handle the truth?

What time did you wake up this morning?
don't remember.

How often do you talk on the phone?
Not very often.

Are you currently frustrated with someone?

Have you made a prank phone call?
Um YEAH! It was awesome. :)

Do you use chapstick?

Do you like your hair?
Yes. Very much. Unless its being annoying. It tends to do that.

Have you ever broken your arm?

Full House or Brady Bunch?
No idea.

Do you have any scars?

Do you have a friend that starts with the letter Q?
Unfortunately, no.

What month and year is it?
December 2010

Do you love someone?
Yes. Lots of someones. *heart*

To describe me.

Are you male or female?
If that isn't obvious by now, there's no use telling you.

Describe yourself:
I'm me. Horse lover, pianist, dancer, daughter, sister, friend.

How do you feel?
Better than I deserve.

Describe where you currently live:
Surrounded by beauty.

If you could go anywhere, where would you go?

Your favorite form of transportation:

Your best friend is:
Beautiful. Thankful. Amazing. No one can tell her who to be. She's herself. She is content. I admire her. I love her. <3

Your favorite color is:
Royal Blue. and Silver. *heart*

What is the weather like?
Chilly. Cloudless. *shivver*

Favorite time of day:

If your life was a T.V. show, what would it be called?
Uhh. Me. ;)

What is life to you?

Your relationships:

Your fear:
evil things in the dark.

What is the best advice you have to give:
Don't change yourself to impress anyone.

If you could change your name, you would change it to:
Even if I could, I wouldn't.

Thought for the day:
Christmas is coming.

How I would like to die:
Happily. With no regrets.

My soul's present condition:
No idea. ;)

My Motto:
Don't have one. Yet. :P

Monday, December 6, 2010

Oh my GOODNESS I had an amazing weekend!! :) Now to recover from overexposure to purely awesome people. *eye twitch*

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Hangin' out with awesome friends, about to eat an amazing supper, and looking forward to the Holiday Ball this evening! Life is GOOD!! :)

Friday, December 3, 2010

goats, eyebrows and awesome people.

oooooh. my. goodness.

so. we've got awesome people coming over on the morrow, i've got goats in standing heat, and Esther and I are cleaning like mad people!!!

can't wait for awesomeness to get here!!!! :)


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"Random Act of Culture"

Oh. My. Word. THIS is pretty awesome! Wow. Beautiful. :)


Tomball Christian Warriors

Okay. This is my brothers' football team. Now, I normally don't like football. In fact I greatly dislike it. BUT. This is pretty cool. And I'm very proud of my dear brothers. :)
