Sunday, September 12, 2010

First Post! Booyah!

Soo. Here I am. Hellooo!

Thanks muchly to my friends (especially dear Grace) for helping me get started with blogging! I'm sure I'll have tons of fun, and I hope y'all will have as much fun reading and commenting as I will have writing! :)

See y'all around. :)

1 comment:

  1. HEY SIS!!!!! WELCOME TO BLOG WORLD.....I know, it's been awhile....but hey I JUST got email back....about 5 days ago, but then you knew that cuz....well yeah.....Oh, for all you other people.....I am not a biological sister, or a leagally adopted sister.....just a heart to heart, sister in Christ person who has known this Mad Hatter-Hare since we was knee high to grasshoppers....or hares, take your pick....Liz, I think we need to do our story idea now.....why do you get all the good ideas????? ;} JK.....LUBS YA SUMTING CRAZY......Woo
